Arizona Meteorological Network
AZMet provides data and related products from its network of weather stations in Arizona
Network Status
Ongoing: Occasional false non-zero precipitation amounts at Phoenix Greenway due to turf irrigation
February 19, 2025: Scheduled maintenance at Bonita, Bowie, Safford, San Simon, Willcox Bench
February 24, 2025: Scheduled maintenance at Paloma, Roll, Wellton ETo, Yuma N.Gila, Yuma South
February 25, 2025: Scheduled maintenance at Parker, Parker-2, Yuma Valley, Yuma Valley ETo
February 26, 2025: Scheduled maintenance at Ft. Mohave CA, Mohave, Mohave-2, Mohave ETo
February 27, 2025: Scheduled maintenance at Aguila, Salome, Harquahala
Network Updates
February 14, 2025: New tool to compare measured and theoretical solar radiation and support data QA/QC
February 7, 2025: New formats for download files from Data Preview and Download data tool
November 13, 2024: Improved tool functionality for previewing and downloading AZMet data
October 24, 2024: Descriptions of variables in 15-minute data now available
October 8, 2024: New online access to legacy website resources
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