Station-level Summaries

Summaries of recent hourly and daily data from individual stations

Payson Station

Sort ascending
T (°F)
P (in)
RH (%)
WS (mph)
WSmax (mph)
WD (deg)
ST4 (°F)
ST20 (°F)
SR (ly)
2400 32.2 0.00 92 30.3 .0 .0 37.6 40.5 0.00
2300 32.5 0.00 92 30.3 .0 .0 37.8 40.5 0.00
2200 32.2 0.00 92 30.3 .0 .0 37.9 40.5 0.00
2100 32.4 0.00 90 29.9 .4 3.6 265 38.3 40.5 0.00
2000 32.9 0.00 89 30.3 2.0 5.1 295 38.7 40.5 0.00
1900 33.4 0.00 89 30.7 2.2 6.3 245 39.2 40.5 0.00
1800 34.3 0.00 85 30.3 2.9 6.5 244 39.6 40.5 1.43
1700 35.2 0.00 83 30.3 3.6 8.3 216 39.7 40.5 10.76
1600 35.6 0.00 81 30.3 4.0 7.2 248 39.6 40.5 17.45
1500 35.1 0.00 84 30.7 4.3 7.6 223 38.7 40.5 26.29
1400 34.3 0.00 87 30.7 3.8 7.6 200 37.6 40.5 23.66
1300 33.4 0.00 87 29.9 2.9 6.3 251 36.7 40.6 17.45
1200 34.2 0.01 84 29.9 .0 2.2 284 36.3 40.6 12.43
1100 33.1 0.04 86 29.4 .4 2.9 141 36.1 40.6 9.08
1000 31.3 0.00 89 28.5 .2 3.8 115 36.0 40.8 6.21
0900 30.0 0.00 92 28.0 .7 2.9 124 35.8 40.8 4.54
0800 29.3 0.00 92 27.6 .0 .0 35.6 40.8 0.24
0700 28.0 0.00 91 25.6 .4 2.9 354 35.6 41.0 0.00
0600 26.1 0.00 91 24.0 .2 2.7 237 35.4 41.0 0.00
0500 24.3 0.00 91 21.8 .0 .0 35.6 41.0 0.00
0400 24.1 0.00 90 21.8 .0 1.8 19 36.0 41.0 0.00
0300 25.0 0.00 91 22.9 .0 .0 36.3 41.0 0.00
0200 25.0 0.00 91 22.9 .0 .0 36.7 41.0 0.00
0100 25.5 0.00 91 23.5 .0 .0 37.0 41.0 0.00
Station Level Summaries for Application Areas
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