Station-level Summaries

Summaries of recent hourly and daily data from individual stations

Willcox Bench Station

Sort ascending
T (°F)
P (in)
RH (%)
WS (mph)
WSmax (mph)
WD (deg)
ST4 (°F)
ST20 (°F)
SR (ly)
2400 63.1 0.00 26 27.1 4.0 5.4 79 84.9 86.5 0.00
2300 63.7 0.00 28 29.9 3.8 5.8 85 86.4 86.4 0.00
2200 67.3 0.00 21 25.6 3.4 5.6 132 88.2 86.2 0.00
2100 72.0 0.00 16 24.0 4.3 6.0 94 90.0 86.0 0.00
2000 75.6 0.00 15 25.1 4.3 6.3 81 91.9 85.8 0.00
1900 81.9 0.00 14 27.1 4.5 9.4 77 94.1 85.8 1.67
1800 87.3 0.00 12 29.4 5.8 13.2 76 95.7 85.6 14.82
1700 90.1 0.00 11 29.4 5.1 13.0 73 96.4 85.6 32.74
1600 91.0 0.00 11 29.9 5.1 11.6 66 95.9 85.6 50.19
1500 91.0 0.00 11 28.5 4.0 9.8 311 94.5 85.6 64.53
1400 89.8 0.00 12 29.9 4.0 11.6 274 92.3 85.6 73.85
1300 88.7 0.00 12 29.9 6.0 13.2 212 89.6 85.8 78.15
1200 87.1 0.00 15 34.7 6.3 17.7 74 86.7 86.0 74.09
1100 84.9 0.00 19 38.5 7.4 14.8 78 83.5 86.2 69.55
1000 82.6 0.00 22 39.7 7.6 13.9 93 80.8 86.4 57.84
0900 74.7 0.00 30 41.2 4.5 10.3 191 78.8 86.5 42.07
0800 65.3 0.00 38 39.1 2.9 6.3 213 78.1 86.7 23.90
0700 59.0 0.00 46 37.8 .9 4.3 185 78.6 86.7 6.93
0600 57.2 0.00 47 37.1 2.5 5.1 161 79.5 86.9 0.00
0500 58.3 0.00 48 38.5 2.5 3.6 59 80.6 86.9 0.00
0400 59.0 0.00 47 38.8 2.0 4.3 52 81.7 86.9 0.00
0300 63.5 0.00 42 39.7 2.5 7.2 313 82.8 86.9 0.00
0200 70.2 0.00 34 40.0 3.8 6.9 92 83.7 86.9 0.00
0100 72.1 0.00 28 37.5 5.1 7.4 81 84.6 86.9 0.00
Station Level Summaries for Application Areas
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