

The Arizona Meteorological Network (AZMET) provides meteorological data and weather-based information to agricultural and horticultural interests operating in southern and central Arizona. Meteorological data is collected from a network of automated weather stations located in both rural and urban production settings. Meteorological data collected by AZMET include temperature (air and soil), humidity, solar radiation, wind (speed and direction), and precipitation. AZMET also provides a variety of computed variables, including heat units (degree-days), chill hours, and reference crop evapotranspiration (ETo). AZMET data are summarized in a variety of formats, including several ready-to-use summaries that use English units, and comma-delimited ASCII text files that can be imported into most database and spreadsheet programs. Special reports generated by AZMET include the Phoenix Area Turf Water Use Report and Weekly Cotton Advisories (generated Mondays from February through August). AZMET began operating on Jan 1 1987 ; we have no data prior to this date.